
Dishing up a new way to boost sales

At TAU Manufacturing, we go the extra mile to enhance your experience. We offer saucers to pair seamlessly with almost all our round-shaped planters. These saucers are not only functional but also add to the aesthetics of your green space. You can choose saucers in the same color as your planter, ensuring a harmonious and visually pleasing design.

Beyond their visual appeal, these saucers serve a practical purpose by effectively catching excess water that may drain from your planters, especially when used outdoors. This not only safeguards your floors from potential stains but also keeps your plants healthy and thriving.

Choose TAU for a perfect fusion of style and practicality in selecting planters to present to your clients.

How to find the perfect saucer to pair with a planter.

Each product page has a tab called “Saucer,” click this tab and you’ll see a photo of each model number and the corresponding saucer to pair it with.